Sessions begin with a chat about your health and history, what you’re wanting to focus on and any questions you might have. Generally, you have completed an in-depth client history form before the session which saves us some time in this part.

From there you lay on a massage table, fully clothed. I perform muscle testing to uncover information that we discuss, to form a pattern of understanding about what is ready to release for you, in relation to your goal. This may include outdated beliefs, ways of reacting, emotional triggers of traumatic life events. We often discuss certain ages that test up as “stressful” in relation to your goal. The process is interactive and should resonate with you. 

At certain points throughout the session, I utilise vibrational healing remedies and tools to release stagnant chi or emotions. These are gentle, non-invasive, and relaxing. 

At the conclusion of the session, I may offer some home reinforcement suggestions such as purchasing remedies, affirmation or mindfulness practices, acupressure points, release rituals etc.

To get a big, long-lasting shift, I recommend 2-3 consecutive sessions, spaced about 3 weeks apart. This can vary depending on how long you have had the stress or imbalance and how committed you are to taking action outside of the sessions. In saying that, you should notice a shift after your first session. 

I believe that Therapy should not be something that you have to do weekly or monthly ongoing. Kinesiology is deep and effective, with sessions unlocking your body’s innate ability to heal and recalibrate. 

Throughout the process of Kinesiology sessions, some new issues may come to light. Some clients continue regular sessions to work through a variety of issues or decide to book in regular “check in’s” as part of their self-care practice. This could look like monthly, 8 weekly or annual Kinesiology appointments.

Online sessions work the same as in person sessions! They are just as powerful and effective with a few key differences.

When working online, a Kinesiologist uses their own muscle to test on your behalf and uses themselves as a “surrogate.”

Surrogating is where a Kinesiologist holds your energy in their system and applies remedies and corrections on their body. This is like distance healing and is surprisingly effective! When you think about it, Kinesiologists are primarily working with energy. Energy doesn’t need to be in a certain distance to shift, change or clear.

My clients are often surprised at how easily they can connect and drop into an online session.

People that are time poor, live remotely or prefer the comfort of their own home can benefit just as greatly as those attending face to face sessions. It’s unreal. You’re best to give it a go and experience it to know what I mean!

Absolutely! I love working with children in clinic. They shift so fast as they don’t have years of accumulated baggage and patterning unlike, ahem, US!

I work with children ages 6 and up in clinic. For those aged 13+ I recommend that parents head off for a walk or a cuppa to give us some space to chat and open up. 

I have worked with MANY children of all ages in clinic with a variety of stresses including big like changes, stress in the home (separation, abuse, mental health), bed wetting, anger & behaviour, OCD, school stress (friends, separation anxiety, concentration), anxiety, fears, phobias, sleep terrors (seeing beings in the room, scary dreams, scared of the dark) among other things. 

For children under 6yo I recommended that we work through a parent as a “surrogate” which is highly effective. This way we can also check in for babies, non-verbal kiddies and even babes in the womb!




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